Jubilee memorial animation centre was constructed in the year of the golden jubilee of the archdiocese of Trivandrum. The foundation stone was blessed by Bishop Jacob Acharuparambil and the foundation stone laid by Msgrs. James Amado and George Arulan in the year 1988. The idea behind the building was propagated by TSSS for the different purpose like conducting classes, workshops, seminars of different ministries and for other programs. The man behind the building was Fr. G. Christhudas who was the then director of TSSS. It is situated in the Bishop's House Compound itself just behind the Samanwaya building near to the Vellayambalam, St. Theresa of Lisue Church. The building contains a chapel, self sustained rooms, dormotories and three conference halls. In total it can accommodate more than 150 people and much more for classes. It gives good service in a reasonable expense.